Sunday, December 27, 2009

1st Christmas!

Carlyn is almost 10 months old, so I knew she wouldn't really understand Christmas, but was excited none the less! Jason had to work Christmas Eve, so Carlyn and I stayed at my mom's house on Christmas Eve, just like old times! My mom read the Christmas story of Jesus, like she has every other year! The next morning, we had our traditional Christmas breakfast of red and green pancakes, and biscuits and gravy! Carlyn just ate a red pancake! We then went to Jason's parents to open gifts with them, then back to my mom's to open gifts and eat lunch, then to Jason's Nana to open MORE gifts, and eat MORE food! It was a very busy day, but a wonderful Christmas spent with family! Carlyn got LOTS of toys, that Jason and I ended up opening! Carlyn just wanted to eat the tissue paper and envelopes! I can't wait to see her play with all her new toys, and maybe test a few out myself, Ha ha!
I LOVE the ruffles!
"What's that...what's that?" (Everything is what's that?!)
Red Pancakes!
An afternoon nap with Daddy

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bringing back the 80s...Christmas style!

Our friends had an 80s themed Christmas Party! It was a lot of fun to get dressed up and see what everyone else was going to wear! There were some pretty funny guy even dressed as Tom Cruise in Risky Buisness....a dress shirt, tighty whities, socks, and sunglasses...and that's it! Jason really wanted to go as Tubbs from Miami Vice...and everyone said he looked just like him! Thanks Mandy and Jason for throwing a great Christmas Party!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


It's been a tradition, for the past four years, that we go to Zoolights at the Phoenix Zoo! We go with our friends Colton and Megan, and we were so excited to take Carlyn this year! She loved looking at all the lights. She stared in amazement as they twinkled and even made noise! It wasn't too cold outside, which made it easier to walk through! Her favorite part was the light show that plays music! She tries to say "pretty lights", but it really comes out as "Pa La"! I can't wait to go again next year!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mini Vacay for Daddy & Mommy!

Jason and I went to Vegas with a couple of friends, Anne and Derrek, for their December birthdays! It was really nice, but really hard at the same time. It was the first time we've left Carlyn for more than one night! (Actually, more than 17 hours!) She stayed with my mom on Friday night, and Jason's on Saturday. It was a lot of fun, and I'm glad that Carlyn has such wonderful grandparents that LOVE to keep her overnight! Jason did great...the first couple of days! He was up about $500! He was so excited to have a $500 chip! By the end of the trip, he ended up $100. Not too bad! On Saturday night, we went to see Larry the Cable Guy. It was awesome. He was pretty funny! We had so much fun! Happy Birthday Anne & Derrek!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cox Family Pics '09

Every year we get together with my family and take pictures. Cayla Rynerson did them this year....and I LOVE them! She got some really great shots! There are a lot of pictures because I couldn't decide...there are too many good ones! Thanks again Cayla!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We have SO much to be thankful for this year. We are so thankful to have each other and our beautiful, healthy, little girl! I am also thankful that I got cancelled from work this year, and got to spend Thanksgiving with my family. My mom made dinner on Wednesday, since I was supposed to work! It was so yummy, I LOVE fried turkey! On Thursday, we spent the day with the Newmans! It was so much fun, as always! Taylor, Jason's sister was in town from colege, and we got to spend time with her, and she was able to spend time with Carlyn! Carlyn got to try her first thanksgiving foods, and she seemed to LOVE sweet potato pie...just like daddy! We ate, laughed, played a mean game of whiffle ball, and then sat by a fire outside! I am thankful for such an amazing family, and a wonderful holiday!

The Newman kids, I LOVE them!

Me and the Hubby

Carlyn with her Nana

Me and Tay

Carlyn sitting by the fire!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

9 months old!

I can't believe how fast the time goes by! Carlyn is 9 months old today! We took her for her 9 month appointment last week. She is doing great, other than her reflux. Her reflux had gotten worse the couple week prior to her appointment. We talked to her doctor about it, and he increased both of her reflux medications. I was a little bummed since this is normally the time they try to get them off of the medication...when they "grow out of it". But, she is doing much better now that the meds are on board!
Carlyn is weighing in at 17lbs, 10.5oz! She is 27 inches long. So, that puts her in the 40th% for weight, and the 50th% for height! She has such long legs too! Carlyn REALLY wants to walk. If you hold her hands, she just takes off! She never wants to sit or lay down anymore...she always wants to stand up and walk around! She also has NO interest in crawling! She gets on all fours, and then pushed herself to try to stand up! The doctor says he's pretty sure she'll skip crawling, and as long as she's rolling around to get what she wants, he's okay with that! She's SO stubborn!
She is at such a fun age right now! We just love her and have so much fun with her! She loves to play with her toes...especially her cookie monster! And, her favorite toy lately....Dude, the cat! She loves him. When shes' playing on the floor, and she sees him, she gets so excited and kicks her legs and says "C..T! She says the C and the T, but not really together, she says them as two different sounds! Dude also loves Carlyn, and he will lay down with her and play! They are buddies! Rosco is feeling a little left out!
Carlyn has a few "words" that she says...well tries to say anyway! She tries to say cat, up, no no, bye bye, and stop. She really says the consonants, but she knows what she's trying to say. She also has mama and dada down! She will point to us and say mama and dada...then we ask her where Carlyn is at, and she points to herself and smiles! She is also clapping and waving bye-bye. Carlyn is laughing and smiling all the time! Carlyn loves all her aunts and grandparents...and she gets so excited to see them. the time is going by so fast, I feel like I can't keep up with how fast she is growing! We are just having so much fun with her, and look forward to the next three months of her first year!